Brett Deits

Managing Director | Seattle | 206.258.5109

Brett is the Managing Director of Lenora Capital and leads the platform’s investment and advisory activities across private markets. He brings extensive experience throughout the private investment universe, having most recently served as a Senior Portfolio Manager at Russell Investments. He managed over $6 billion in commitments via comingled funds and separate accounts on behalf of endowments, foundations, pension plans, banks and high net worth clients in North America, Europe, and Asia. Brett has served on numerous Limited Partner Advisory Committees for fund managers in the United States and Europe, specializing in venture capital, growth equity, buyouts, private credit, real estate, infrastructure, and harvested and extracted resources. Before joining Russell Investments, Brett was responsible for sourcing, evaluating, and monitoring fund investments and co-investments in private equity and real assets for BlackRock and Quellos Private Capital Markets. Brett began his career focused on wealth management for Quellos Group’s ultra-high net worth practice.

Brett spends most of his free time chasing his three active sons alongside his wife as they pursue different sports throughout the year. Brett enjoys traveling with his family, as well as skiing and golf. He has a Bachelor of Arts in accounting from the University of Washington and an MBA from Cornell University.